Richard Pettifer // Річард Петтіфер Theatre director, critic, idiot This website - --- People Spoke // люди говорять (August 2013) Performance about oppression/protest Performed different places between Australia and Germany Then invited to Мандрівний вішак (ГаРмИдЕр), festival in Lutsk, west Ukraine. Performance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Interview with TV Lutsk (11.27) -- Catch a Cat Theatre Residency and Кіт Ґаватовича theatre festival, Lviv August-October 2021 4-day theatre festival in Lviv, 3 artists from Germany, 3 from Ukraine, working together. Artists: Aigul Munk, Olivia Cole, Anna Kudryavtseva, Max Nowotarski, Jan Upelegger - Also led by Eva Jakubovska and Olha Olha Dovhan-Levytska, with assistant Oksana Holubenko. Theatre artists Den Gumenniy (Lviv, work in Donbas)